PS Vita

PS Vita

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LUFTRAUSERS Warfront Trailer | E3 2013

by PlayStation The skies will be set aflame and the seas will overflow with wreckage in Vlambeer’s stylish arcade shooter LUFTRAUSERS, the first aerial dog fighting game ever! Select from over 125 combinations of weapons, bodies, and propulsion systems and take to the sky to battle enemy fighter planes, battleships, submarines, and rival aces for …Read more »

Street Fighter X Tekken Vita – Six new fighters and Vita details

Blanka, Sakura, Elena and Dudley join Lei and Christie from the Tekken side.

Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz

by SegaAmerica ESRB Rating: EVERYONE with Comic Mischief

Playstation Vita unboxing and initial impressions

PS Vita unboxing and day 1 impressions

Ys Origin – PSX 2016: Announcement trailer PS4, PS Vita

by PlayStation Originally released in Japan in 2006, Ys Origin will be available soon on PS4 and PS Vita with brand-new features. The Land of Ys is in the chaos following a demonic invasion, forcing the twin goddesses to use magic to protect the kingdom from danger. While Demons have built their own tower you discover …Read more »

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection : Gameplay Trailer (PS Vita)

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection : Gameplay Trailer (PS Vita). Two award-winning global hits reborn on on the PlayStation Vita system : Metal Gear Solid 2 : Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater ! Metal Gear Solid HD Collection : Gameplay Trailer (PS Vita). The game will be available june …Read more »

Muramasa: Rebirth New Abilities Trailer

by aqi Remember the Wii’s 2009 side-scrolling action RPG Muramasa: The Demon Blade?  Well it’s getting a Vita makeover with new characters, weapons, and scenarios! The game is out in Japan on March 28 and in the US sometime in 2013.

Guacamelee Announce Trailer

by DrinkboxStudios


PS Vita版 METAL GEAR SOLID HD EDITION 公式サイト 「スネーク」のはじまり。「雷電」のはじまり。そして、「メタルギア ソリッド」のはじまり。すべての原点をめぐる物語が、PlayStationVitaで登場! 全 世界が熱狂した2つの名作『MGS2』と『MGS3』。 エミュレーターでは不可能な最適化により、鮮やかに、より美しく蘇えった2つの名作が、 「タッチスクリーン」「背面タッチパッド」などPS Vitaの機能を活かした直感的な操作でお楽しみいただけます。 さらに、PS Vitaのトロフィー機能、また発売中のPS3®版とのトランスファリングにも対応し、家ではPS3®で、 外出先で続きをPS Vitaでといった様に時間や場所にとらわれずお楽しみいただくことが可能です。 物語の舞台は冷戦時代ソ連領、果ては現代ニューヨーク。 次世代へと語り継がれる「メタルギア サーガ」の一篇がいま、その手の中に。

Uncharted: Golden Abyss Review – The GamerNerdz S2 Ep12

The GamerNerdz S2 Ep12 Uncharted: Golden Abyss Review Probably the most anticipated of all launch titles for the recently released Sony PS Vita, Uncharted: Golden Abyss is a prequel to the beloved franchise. Can it stand toe to toe with the consoles releases? Brought to you in part by Hosts: Dinx @D_I_N_X Voyce* @VOYCEPRODUCTION …Read more »