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1807 June 7, 2013
by: TotalHalibut TotalBiscuit takes a look at a new collectible card game from Mojang.
2059 June 7, 2013
by: JamesNintendoNerd James & Mike Play “Snake Rattle N Roll” (Episode 9) with James Rolfe and Mike Matei.
2216 June 5, 2013
by: kwingsletsplays Injustice Gods Among DLC Batgirl & Lore! Superman (New 52) Wonder Woman (Red Sun) Batgirl (DLC) Nightwing (NEW 52) Vs The Joker (Tourist) Harley Quinn (Classic) Batman and Catwoman (Arkham City)!
1828 June 5, 2013
by: LetsPlay Watch Gavin, Michael, Kerry, Ryan, Jack, and Geoff as they willfully crash into each other in this week’s Let’s Play GTA IV.
1830 June 5, 2013
by: TotalHalibut TotalBiscuit takes a fleeting look at Remember Me, which releases on June 4th for PC, 360 and PS3, a new IP from DONTNOD set in a cyberpunk future Paris.
1856 June 5, 2013
by: kwingsletsplays LEGO BATMAN 2: DC Super Heroes WiiU Walktrhough Chapter 5: Chemical Crisis! Welcome to Part 5 of the Kwing’s Lego Batman 2 Wii U how-to & guide. This features co-op commentary with Kwife.
6899 June 5, 2013
by: OfficialNerdCubed Nerd plays the newly released Gunpoint on Steam.
2340 June 5, 2013
by: machinima Best friends Matt and Pat checks out Fast & Furious Showdown.
1768 June 5, 2013
by: LetsPlay This week, Michael introduces a brand new series, Full Play. Join him each week (or so) as he progresses through an entire game, start to finish. First up, the newly ported Resident Evil: Revelations for the Xbox 360. Hope this is not Chris’ Let’s Play…
1797 June 5, 2013
by: Necroscope86 Necroscope continues his hilariously sad playthrough of Super Meat Boy.