Super Smash Bros. – E3 Wii U / 3DS Trailer
1243 June 12, 2013by: SmashbrosCh Nintendo unveils the new Super Smash Bros., this time it’s also coming out for the 3DS! The first new character revealed is the Villager from Animal Crossing!
Sonic Lost Worlds – E3 3DS Trailer
2040 June 12, 2013by: Nintendo Check out some of Sonic’s new moves for Sonic Lost Worlds. Sonic Lost Worlds will be out for the Wii U and 3DS sometime in 2013.
Nintendo – 2013 3rd Party Releases
1704 June 12, 2013by: Nintendo Nintendo shows off the notable 3rd party games coming out to their platforms this year.
Final Fantasy XV – E3 Announcement Trailer (Final Fantasy VS XIII)
1676 June 11, 2013by: SQEXMembersNA Finally, after years with no real news, Final Fantasy VS XIII is now renamed as Final Fantasy XV for the PS4 and Xbox One! The armed forces of Niflheim launch a devastating assault upon the Kingdom of Lucis, casting Crown Prince Noctis and his comrades out of their homes and into the fray. …Read more »
Dragon’s Crown – E3 Trailer
1715 June 11, 2013by: PlayStation Dragon’s Crown is a multiplayer hack and slash beat ’em up game with breathtaking visual style, a design built around cooperative play and epic boss fights, and the ability to discover a new adventure in every play session. With Dragon’s Crown, developer Vanillaware deftly marries stunning hand-drawn and animated art work with deep, …Read more »
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag – E3 Gameplay Demo
1653 June 11, 2013by: ubisoft Check out and explore Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag’s new environment in this first gameplay demo revealed at E3 2013. It is 1715. Pirates rule the Caribbean and have established a lawless Republic. Among these outlaws is a fearsome young captain named Edward Kenway, trained by Assassins. Black Flag will be out for …Read more »
The Elder Scrolls Online – E3 Gameplay Trailer
1880 June 11, 2013by: BethesdaSoftworks Three powerful alliances struggle for control of war-torn Tamriel as the Daedric Prince Molag Bal schemes to destroy it entirely. Gather your allies and get ready to join the battle for Tamriel in Spring 2014 for the PS4 and Xbox One.
NBA Live 14 – E3 Trailer
1340 June 11, 2013by: EASPORTS EA shows off NBA Live 14 on the next-gen consoles. NBA Live 14 has been announced for the PS4 and Xbox One, but has not yet received a release date.
Titanfall – E3 Announcement Trailer
1878 June 11, 2013by: eavision Titanfall is a new IP, a mecha FPS developed by Respawn Entertainment (former lead developers of the Call of Duty franchise). Titanfall is expected to release in the Spring of 2014 for the 360, Xbox One, and PC.
Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag – E3 Trailer
1752 June 11, 2013by: AssassinsCreed t’s 1715 and pirates rule the Caribbean. Watch as Captain Edward Kenway, a brash and brutal pirate assassin, skillfully conquers his enemy at sea and uncovers a valuable, secret treasure. Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag is due to release on October 29 for the PS3, PS4, 360, Xbox One, Wii U, and PC.