Bungie E3 2013 Day 2: Activision – Blizzard Main Stage
1951 June 14, 2013by: Bungie At E3 2013, Deej talks more about Destiny and its unique immersive visual experience at the Activision | Blizzard main stage.
E3 2013 Xbox Briefing: Metal Gear Solid
1841 June 14, 2013by: xbox Xbox’s E3 2013 Media Briefing’s Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid trailer presented by Hideo Kojima, Creative Director of Konami, introduced by Don Mattrick.
E3 2013 Xbox Briefing Indie Games
1736 June 14, 2013by: xbox Highlights from Xbox’s E3 2013 Media Briefing, featuring independent developers’ games and global developers for Xbox and Xbox One. Phil Harrison delivers the message that Xbox fosters creativity and global relevance with its investment in indie and international developers.
Dragon Age: Inquisition – E3 2013 Press Conference
1993 June 14, 2013by: dragonageofficial BioWare’s Aaryn Flynn provides the latest news on Dragon Age: Inquisition from the EA 2013 E3 press conference. Your Journey begins. Dragon Age: Inquisition will release in the Fall of 2014 for the PS3, PS4, 360, Xbox One, and PC.
Rayman Legends – E3 2013 Gameplay Trailer
1932 June 14, 2013by: ubisoft Watch the all new gameplay trailer from Rayman Legends, available on September 3! Jam packed with epic boss battles, over 120 awe inspiring levels, online challenges, 2 on 2 soccer and kazoo music — Rayman Legends has everything you could ask for from a platformer and then some! From enraged luchadors to mechanical …Read more »
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate – E3 Trailer
1758 June 14, 2013by: TecmoKoeiAmerica Check out this new Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate trailer featuring new characters, moves, costumes, stages, and features from Dead or Alive 5 +. Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate is now available for the PS3 and 360.
DuckTales: Remastered – Amazon & Transylvania gameplay with Capcom Unity
1599 June 14, 2013by: CapcomUnityVideos DuckTales: Remastered producer Rey Jimenez and Chris give you an exclusive look at the newly enhanced versions of DuckTales’ most famous levels, Amazon & Transylvania, live from the E3 showfloor!
Watch_Dogs – E3 Walkthrough Demo
1791 June 14, 2013by: ubisoft Check out this developer walkthrough of Watch_Dogs at E3.
PlayStation E3 2013 Live Coverage – Day 2 (Part 3)
2542 June 13, 2013by: PlayStation Watch of day 2 of PlayStation’s E3 2013 Live Coverage show.
PlayStation E3 2013 Live Coverage – Day 2 (Part 2)
1614 June 13, 2013by: PlayStation Watch of day 2 of PlayStation’s E3 2013 Live Coverage show.