Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 – Multiplayer n00b to Vet Introduction Video
2025 August 6, 2013by: CALLOFDUTY Multiplayer veteran Jay Puryear from Treyarch Studio introduces the n00b to Vet series and what it means for your multiplayer experience.
Ridge Racer Driftopia – Free 2 Drift
1999 August 6, 2013by: NamcoBandaiGamesEU Ridge Racer is back, and for the first time as a free-to-play game! RIDGE RACER Driftopia will put the series’ irresistible signature drifting right at the heart of the experience. Ridge Racer Driftopia will be available on PS3 and PC later in 2013.
Angry Birds Star Wars Console Announce Trailer
2013 August 6, 2013by: RovioMobile Remastered for gaming systems, Angry Birds Star Wars features all new competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes, 20 exclusive new levels created just for the console game, and over 25 hours of epic gameplay. The game will be available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo’s Wii, Wii U, and Nintendo 3DS …Read more »
Payday 2: Skills
2147 August 5, 2013by: ALL505GAMES David Goldfarb -Game Director of PAYDAY2 — takes us through the Skills system in this tense 4 player co-op heist shooter. Your hard work pays off in skill points that you can apply to improve various aspects of your character. Pick skills within classes to become a mastermind, an enforcer, a ghost, or …Read more »
Rayman Legends | A Seaside Preview
1956 August 4, 2013by: ubisoft “Join us on the sunny shores of the Mediterranean in this video from the Rayman Legends Preview Event–Montpellier Edition!” Rayman Legends is coming to the PS3, 360, Wii U, PS Vita, and PC on September 3.
Need for Speed Rivals – Cops vs Racers Extended Trailer
2001 August 3, 2013by: NeedForSpeed To celebrate Need for Speed Rivals award winning showing at E3, Ghost have created an extended cut of the Need for Speed Announce Trailer. The Rivalry Begins… Need for Speed Rivals releases November 19 for the PS3, PS4, 360, One, and PC.
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified — The Chase
5145 August 2, 2013by: 2KGames Bureau Agent Ennis Cole (Dominic Monaghan, star of Lord of the Rings and Lost) is caught in a frantic chase with an unknown enemy, but is he the predator or the prey? The Bureau is a covert organization standing as the first and only defense against otherworldly threats. From the shadows, the Bureau …Read more »
Nintendo eShop – Harvest Moon Trailer
2297 August 2, 2013by: Nintendo Originally released for the Super Nintendo, Harvest Moon is now available on the Nintendo eShop!
Splinter Cell Blacklist | Spies vs Mercs Blacklist Intro – Pt.1
1964 August 1, 2013by: ubisoft Take a look at how Spies vs. Mercs Blacklist works from the perspective of a Spy. Community Developer, Zack Cooper, sits down with Level Design Director, Geoff Ellenor, to get a unique perspective on gameplay strategies, philosophies, and loadouts. Splinter Cell Blacklist will be out for the PS3, 360, Wii U, and PC …Read more »
Splinter Cell Blacklist | Spies vs. Mercs Blacklist Intro – Pt.2
2022 August 1, 2013by: ubisoft Take a look at how Spies vs. Mercs Blacklist works from the perspective of a Spy. Community Developer, Zack Cooper, sits down with Level Design Director, Geoff Ellenor, to get a unique perspective on gameplay strategies, philosophies, and loadouts. Splinter Cell Blacklist will be out for the PS3, 360, Wii U, and PC …Read more »