Pokémon X and Pokémon Y: Evolved Forms of Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie revealed!
1571 September 14, 2013by: pokemon Meet Quilladin, Braixen, and Frogadier! They’re the evolved forms of your first Starter Pokémon in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y!
K-News : Peach Smash Bros Shantae Kickstarter & AirRace Speed Trailer
1779 September 13, 2013by: kNIGHTWING01 Peach has been revealed to be in Super Smash Bros Wii U & 3DS. Great! Now how about Captain Falcon and Marth! Renegade Kid is having an Epic 3DS and Wii U Eshop Sale. But it only lasts until, 9/26! ATV Wild Ride 3D, Bomb Monkey, and Mutant Mudds are $4.99, $2.99 and …Read more »
Final Fantasy Agito – Announce Trailer
1730 September 13, 2013by: squareenix Check out the reveal trailer for Final Fantasy Agito! Final Fantasy Type-0 (then known as Agito) was originally made for smart phones and tablets, but was moved to the PSP and later renamed. Sadly, we have yet to see it release outside of Japan. Now it looks like Square Enix is making a …Read more »
OUYA Whats New August
3315 September 12, 2013by OUYAS Check some of the top games that launched in August 2013!
Batman: Arkham Origins : NVIDIA PhysX Gameplay Trailer
1586 September 11, 2013by: BatmanArkhamVideos Batman: Arkham Origins – “NVIDIA PhysX” Official PC Gameplay Trailer from PAX 2013
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix Launch Trailer
1489 September 11, 2013by: PlayStation The worlds. The characters. The magic. The classic RPG returns in sizzling HD to open the doors of Kingdom Hearts for a new generation of gamer. Experience the revolutionary union between Disney classics and Final Fantasy icons in this collection of Final Mix, Re: Chain of Memories, and the cutscenes from 358/2 Days. …Read more »
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
1565 September 11, 2013by: ubisoft This is the story of 5 crossed destinies and a broken love in a world torn apart. All of them will try to survive the horror of the trenches following their faithful canine companion. From the green forests of the French countryside, to dank trenches and snowy fields, go back through history in …Read more »
A Day With Playstation
1649 September 11, 2013by: Playstationjp “SCEJA Press Conference 2013” Closing the video This video shows off some of the features and cross-platform features between the Playstation 4, PS Vita, and PS Vita TV! Its in Japanese with no subtitles, but it gets the message across just fine.
PlayStation Vita TV Trailer
1709 September 9, 2013PlayStation Vita TV – plays PS4 games remotely, PSP & PS1 games. You can also play Vita games on your PS4 with the DualShock 4 controller. Price – $100.
Mirror’s Edge Parkour POV
1804 September 5, 2013by: Ampisound “We’re massive fans of Mirror’s Edge, and are always getting comments and comments saying ‘Wow this is like real life Mirrors Edge’. Well EA/DICE recently announced Mirrors Edge 2, and out of excitement we decided to put together this POV video! If it does well, we’ve got some plans for a second one!” …Read more »