State of Play: David Jaffe – Part Three
1320 March 12, 2012Here’s our wrap-up of our fantastic talk with David Jaffe, creative lead on GOD OF WAR and the TWISTED METAL series! In this episode we finish up our talk on the new TWISTED METAL, we hear about Mr. Jaffe’s future plans, and we hear how he feels about other games aping his style. If you’re …Read more »
Angry Birds Space: NASA announcement
1452 March 11, 2012From RovioMobile: The FIRST ever game announcement and gameplay footage from space: Brought to you by NASA and Don Pettit from the ISS.
Mari0 Teaser Trailer – Mario Portals
1220 March 8, 2012 Download NOW!
EA Medal of Honor Warfighter Official Announce Trailer English (HD)
1315 March 8, 2012From medalofhonor: – Medal of Honor is back and once again puts you in the boots of today’s most precise and disciplined warriors. This time however, you’re going global. Available October 23, 2012 on X360, PS3, and PC. Powered by Frostbite 2, Medal of Honor Warfighter delivers an aggressive, gritty, and authentic experience that …Read more »
Infinity Blade: Dungeons (iOS)
1269 March 7, 2012At Apple’s media event in San Francisco, Epic Games, Inc. unveiled Infinity Blade: Dungeons, a new adventure set in the award-winning Infinity Blade universe to be released later this year for iOS devices. Set several thousand years prior to the events in the classic Infinity Blade series, gamers will assume the role of an apprentice …Read more »
Sim City 5 Announcement Trailer
1236 March 7, 2012Latest Sim City game is going multiplayer! More details at !
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City – Nemesis Mode (US)
1404 March 6, 2012Xbox 360 Exclusive Nemesis Mode Trailer
Assassins Creed 3 Trailer Reveal
1385 March 5, 2012This was ripped from the live stream. Check out the UKĀ trailer here.
State of Play: David Jaffe – Part Two
1416 March 3, 2012From StateofPlayShow : We’re back this week with more David Jaffe! In this episode, Mr. Jaffe shares with us his thoughts on God of War 4, the troubles of tumultuous development (including two cancelled games, DARKONS and HEARTLAND), the failures of CALLING ALL CARS, and the reasons why he left GOD OF WAR. Finally, we …Read more »
Dark Souls VS Skyrim: Which Is Better?
2770 March 3, 2012From Gaming4You1990: In this video, I compare Dark Souls and Skyim…. My thoughts… Skyrim is better in almost every aspect tho, I think Dark Souls combat is way better, and it is more of a greater feeling when winning battles than skyrim, I prefer dark souls more so because of this and for the challenge.