Resident Evil: Revelations – The Pool Is Open Guide
1915 June 3, 2013by: RoosterTeeth Ray and Michael show you how to get “The Pool Is Open” achievement in Resident Evil: Revelations for the Xbox 360.
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods EXTREME Release Trailer
1686 June 3, 2013by: Paradoxplaza The fourth expansion to Crusader Kings II, the critically praised strategy/RPG, finally enables you to play as a Pagan, with particular focus on the dreaded Vikings and features a delicious blend of war and pillaging with a dash of ruthless brutality thrown in for good measure. The Old Gods expansion pack is out …Read more »
Astyanax – Game Grumps
1999 June 3, 2013by: GameGrumps Gamegrumps checks out the metroidvania-esque Astyanax.
Injustice DLC The Killing Joke Skins and Lore
2375 June 3, 2013by: kNIGHTWING01 Injustice Gods Among Us The Joker Killing Joke DLC Skins. Killing Joke SKINS Review & Gameplay. Plus LORE & Commentary! The Jokers Origin is pretty much multiple choice, but Alan Moore’s graphic novel changed things forever. Killing Joke DLC released at the same time as Batgirl. Wii U DLC COMING THIS SUMMER.
The Resident Evil Restaurant – Tokyo’s Biohazard Cafe & Grill Walkthrough
2079 June 3, 2013by: CapcomUnityVideos Capcom Unity takes a visit to Japan’s one and only Biohazard Cafe & Grill. Bold food, interactive guns, dancing S.T.A.R.S. gals, a life-sized Tyrant and RE props aplenty!
Tales of Xillia – Rowen Battle Showcase
1954 June 3, 2013by: NamcoBandaiGamesEU Discover Rowen J. Ilbert’s battle style in his gameplay video of the upcoming Tales of Xillia. Old butler serving House Sharil, one of the high houses of Rashugal. He is always calm and keeps graceful and polite manners. Having talent in spirit artes, he is the strategist supporting the party with his experience …Read more »
Five Facts – Fallout: New Vegas
1826 June 3, 2013by: RoosterTeeth Jack and Geoff discuss five facts for Fallout: New Vegas.
1852 June 3, 2013by: FINALFANTASYXIV This trailer show some of the special actions and moves exclusive to their respective jobs. Final Fantast XIV: A Realm Reborn will be out August 27 for the PC.
World Cup Italia 90 – Strange Games Saturday
1598 June 3, 2013by: Necroscope86 Necro plays arguably one of the worst football (soccer for us in the US) games ever made.
Remember Me – Live Action Trailer
1774 June 3, 2013by: remembermegame The latest Live Action trailer for Remember Me gives us a reflective and somber look into the final thoughts of Antoine, the Founder of Memorize, and shows Nilin being taken to the Bastille where she will wake at the beginning of the game. Remember Me will be out for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 …Read more »