South Park Secrets in Video Games – Easter Egg Hunting
1799 June 25, 2013by: DYKGaming Did you know South Park was referenced in several games? Check out this video to find out which ones!
Let’s Play – GTA IV Cops ‘n Crooks Part 2
1746 June 25, 2013by: LetsPlay Jack, Ryan and Geoff, Gavin, Michael, and Ray are back to crashing cars and shooting one another in this continuation video of Let’s Play GTA IV Cops ‘n Crooks.
Square Enix Presents E3 2013 – Day3 [#08] – BLOODMASQUE Interview
1685 June 25, 2013by: SquareEnixPresents Producer Ryutaro Ichimura and assistant producer Kensei Fujinaga reveal their newest iOS title, BLOODMASQUE. Meagan gets in on the action as she is transported into the game via its unique facial recognition system.
Square Enix Presents E3 2013 – Day3 [#07] -FINAL FANTASY XIV: Producer Letter
1566 June 25, 2013by: SquareEnixPresents FFXIV Director & Producer Naoki Yoshida returns to present the first ever English version of Producer Letter with Senior Online Community Manager Matt Hilton and Michael Koji Fox from Localization. They unveil new information about the upcoming Beta Phase 3 along with revealing more about the newly announced Scholar job.
Square Enix Presents E3 2013 – Day3 [#06] – Deus Ex: The Fall Interview
1779 June 25, 2013by: SquareEnixPresents James Wright and Jean-Francois Dugas from Eidos Montreal stop by to chat with Meagan Marie about the upcoming original iOS title, Deus Ex: The Fall.
Square Enix Presents E3 2013 – Day3 [#05] – Square Enix: The Future – Press Conference Recap
1556 June 25, 2013by: SquareEnixPresents Square Enix held a media only event, before E3 opened on June 11th. It was very exclusive but Square Enix Presents was able to bring you a portion of it!
Square Enix Presents E3 2013 – Day3 [#03]- Jam Dat Turbo @ Square Enix
1728 June 25, 2013by: SquareEnixPresents Youtube comedians Nathan Barnatt and Thomas Flaherty provide a…unique perspective on attending the Square Enix booth at E3 in the only way they know how. Come for the laughs, stay for more of the laughs.
1934 June 25, 2013by: SquareEnixPresents Merchandise Coordinator Kelsey Britt gives everyone an inside look into the process behind how our detailed figures get produced along with showing off some of the exciting, upcoming products.
World Of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition – Official Trailer
2719 June 25, 2013by: WargamingNA Wargaming takes the fight to the Xbox 360! World of Tanks is a team-based massively multiplayer online action game dedicated to armored warfare. Throw yourself into the epic tank battles of World War II with other steel cowboys all over the world. Your arsenal includes more than 150 armored vehicles from America, Germany, …Read more »
PlayStation 4 The Promise II: Conversations with Creators
1958 June 25, 2013by: PlayStation In this episode of Conversation with Creators learn why the PlayStation 4 was built for developers.