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Posts By: HyperG
UMvC3 :: Gameplay Montage :: (Gamestop Challenge)
1522 April 26, 2012Cyohon7 = Player 1 BrianPatrick03 = Player 2 — Ok, Here’s the dili ….. We both work at Gamestop 4012 and I myself have been hardcore MK for as long as I can remember…. Cyphon7 here thinks my skills wouldnt carry over to some UMVC3 … Does he know who he’s dealing with ?
Wakfu Rogue Class Trailer
1730 April 26, 2012www.wakfu.com The Rogues are WAKFU’s most feared bandits, and for good reason: they’re so versatile. Pistols, bombs, blades and gadgets are the main components of their devastating arsenal, and they won’t hesitate to use each and every one of them to achieve their nefarious goals! WAKFU is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG), which …Read more »
Kingdom Keeper for iPhone Trailer
1395 April 26, 2012From DiGiDustSC The first true side-scrolling RTS game for iPhone. Experience RTS gameplay like never before!!! More info at http://digidust.pl/index.php/digidust/games/kingdomkeeper
Hitman: Absolution – Travis ICA File
1487 April 26, 2012From TheHitmanSeries Hitman: Absolution Release date: 2012 Platforms: Xbox 360, PS3, PC This is the second video in “The International Contract Agency Files” series, which provide an in-depth background check on the main cast in HITMAN: ABSOLUTION. Featuring exclusive art from comic artist Ben Oliver, the second file introduces ICA handler Benjamin Travis, a new …Read more »
Red vs. Blue Season 10 Teaser
1583 April 25, 2012http://roosterteeth.com – The sneak preview teaser for Red vs. Blue Season 10! The new season begins Memorial Day, May 28, 2012.
Airport Scanner Game Trailer
1643 April 25, 2012By Kedlin Company : Airport Scanner is coming soon for iPhone and iPad to the App Store.
Bang Bang Racing Vantage-point Trailer
1416 April 25, 2012ABOUT THIS GAME ************************ Bang Bang Racing, a new fast-paced family-friendly game developed for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. In Bang Bang Racing, players can choose from the 20 unique vehicles and eight colourful skins, all spread across four distinct classes, including racing muscle cars (like N-Dura), stock car series (like Evo GT), world endurance …Read more »
PES 2013 Debut Trailer
1266 April 24, 2012Coming to PS3, Xbox 360, PC, PS2, PSP, 3DS and Wii. Make sure to follow us at: http://www.konami-pes2013.com http://www.facebook.com/PES http://www.twitter.com/jonmurphy_PES http://www.youtube.com/officialPES
EA Crysis 3 Official Announce Gameplay Trailer (HD)
1327 April 24, 2012Crysis 3 – The hunted becomes the hunter. Powered by Crytek’s CryENGINE® 3, Crysis 3 advances the state of the art with unparalleled visuals and dynamic shooter gameplay. Take on the role of ‘Prophet’ as he returns to New York, only to discover that the city has been encased in a Nanodome created by the …Read more »
Batman Arkham City: Game of the Year Edition trailer
1373 April 23, 2012It looks as though Harley Quinn has some unfinished business with Bats. Take a look at this Batman Arkham City: Game of the Year Edition trailer, which teases her new mission and more.