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Posts By: HyperG
Konami Pre-E3 Show – Castlevania Lords of Shadows 2
1397 June 1, 2012By konami The Dragon returns. http://www.castlevania-lordsofshadow.com Watch the full Konami Pre-E3 Show NOW at http://events.konami.com/e3/ Rating Pending by the ESRB. Please visit: http://www.konami.com http://www.facebook.com//lordsofshadow http://www.twitter.com/konami http://konami.tumblr.com
DOOM 3 BFG Edition – Debut Trailer
1317 May 30, 2012by doom Watch the Debut Trailer for DOOM 3 BFG Edition! DOOM 3 BFG Edition is the ultimate collection of groundbreaking games that defined the first person shooter. It includes DOOM, DOOM 2, DOOM 3, and DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil, as well as the ‘Lost Mission.’ All DOOM 3 content has been re-mastered for …Read more »
Netkeen – Keen Dreams Isle
1505 May 22, 2012Check this game out — kind of like a Super Smash Bros but with Keen Characters. You can find the game download at : http://netkeen.nfshost.com/ (must have DOSBox experience to use it from the looks of the information) This is a 4 player match with some friends.
Aliens: Colonial Marines Suspense Trailer
1615 May 22, 2012By SegaAmerica Join the official Facebook group – http://www.facebook.com/aliensgames ESRB Rating: RATING PENDING. May contain content inappropriate for children. Visit www.esrb.org for rating information.
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Open World Trailer
1937 May 22, 2012Explore a sandbox Gotham City like never before in LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes.
The Amazing Spider-Man: ‘Web Rush’ Gameplay Trailer
2096 May 21, 2012By ComicVineVideos Coming 6.26.12 – The first in-game footage has been released showcasing the new Web Rush mechanic for the upcoming Spider-Man video game.
1533 May 21, 2012by EmiLo1337 ******SPOILER ALERT*************SPOILER ALERT*************SPOILER ALERT*************SPOILER ALERT*************SPOILER ALERT******* Diablo 3 “Cow Level” HOW TO GET THERE: First craft the Staff of Herding The items you need are: –Black Mushroom – located in a patch of mushrooms in level 1 of the Cathedral (Act 1) –Shinbone – found occasionally in the fireplace (walk right when you …Read more »
Mad Riders May 30th [UK]
1455 May 21, 2012By ubisoft Discover Mad Riders, avaible on Xbox LIVE, PSN & Steam. Featuring Mad Speed, Mad Stunts and Mad Styles! Crashing on May 30th ! More information on: http://www.ubi.com/UK/Games/Info.aspx?pId=10441
SKYFALL – Official Super Trailer
1183 May 21, 2012Watch the teaser trailer for SKYFALL followed by the trailer for 007 LEGENDS Like us at http://www.facebook.com/PlayStation
Lego Ghost Recon Future Soldier
1495 May 21, 2012by machinima http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-wAzlqzXH0 Click here to watch Ghost Recon Alpha – Official HD Film Lego Ghost Recon Future Soldier A stop-motion animated version of the GRFS trailer made entirely out of Lego bricks. The first of the Kooberz Studios films to have been shot with a 5D Mark 2 Camera and Dragonframe software. DIRECTOR’S CHANNEL: …Read more »