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Posts By: HyperG
Halo 4 :60 Live-Action Trailer
1424 June 13, 2012by xbox Halo 4: Watch the all new Halo 4 official “Commissioning” Live-Action Trailer for Halo 4, releasing 11.06.12. Witness the unbridled optimism of the launch of the UNSC Infinity, then its crash as an ancient evil pulls it into a mysterious world where the Master Chief will begin an epic new Halo 4 adventure. …Read more »
Official Temple Run: Brave Trailer
1289 June 13, 2012by touchgameplay Temple Run: Brave by Imangi/Disney From Imangi, the makers of Temple Run, and Disney comes a new take on the most exhilarating app in the App Store. Join Merida from Disney/Pixar Brave as you run, slide, jump, turn and shoot your way across the wilds of Scotland on an endless running adventure! New …Read more »
Gravity Rush Launch Trailer
1292 June 13, 2012by PlayStation This is the Gravity Rush launch trailer. Check out Kat’s gravity based powers! http://us.playstation.com/psvita/games-and-media/psv-gravity-rush.html © 2012 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. “Gravity Rush” is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC.
Lollipop Chainsaw – Launch Trailer
1193 June 13, 2012by LollipopChainsaw Lollipop Chainsaw from the legendary Suda 51 and James Gunn pits a sexy zombie hunter, Juliet Starling, against endless hordes of the undead. In stores now for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3!
New! “Black Ops 2 Zombies” Information! New Game Mode Revealed & More!
1276 June 13, 2012by MrDalekJD THIS IS THE TICKET WE’RE ALL COUNTING ON! If you are excited for Black Ops 2 Zombies like I am, then like & subscribe! Favourite it if you wish!
E3 2012: Booth Babe Montage
1314 June 13, 2012by gametrailers We know it’s the real reason you wanted to go to E3 2012! See more E3 2012 coverage on GameTrailers: http://www.gametrailers.com/e3
The Sims 3 Supernatural Announce Trailer
1400 June 13, 2012by TheSims Enter the mysterious town of Moonlight Falls where strange things happen by the light of the moon in the new The Sims 3 Supernatural Expansion Pack. Create supernatural beings from menacing werewolves and cackling witches, to mischievous fairies and newer, more intriguing vampires. You can mix dozens of elixirs, turn Sims into zombies …Read more »
NBA 2K12 Accolades with Kobe Bryant, Blake Griffin & Derrick Rose
1944 June 13, 2012by 2KSports Kobe Bryant, Blake Griffin and Derrick Rose talk about NBA 2K12, the “Best Sports Game of 2011”. But you ain’t seen nothing yet. NBA 2K13 is coming soon. October 2nd. Pre-order NBA 2K13 and lock up the NBA 2K13 All-Star add-on content here: http://2kgam.es/NBA2KStore ESRB Rating: EVERYONE
XCOM: Enemy Unknown “Last Stand” E3 2012 Trailer
1524 June 13, 2012by 2KGames Humankind faces an unknown alien threat, and the only thing that stands in the way of annihilation is the top secret XCOM Project. Can these operatives turn the tide of battle, or will it be our last stand? ESRB Rated M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Strong Language, Violence. Visit www.esrb.org for rating …Read more »
Spec Ops: The Line TV Trailer
1257 June 13, 2012by 2KGames Explore sandstorm-ruined Dubai through the eyes of Captain Walker. After you watch the trailer, play the demo for yourself! http://www.2kgames.com/blog/download-the-spec-ops-the-line-demo-now ESRB Rated M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language. Visit www.esrb.org for rating information. http://www.specopstheline.com Find us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/specops Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/2KGames