Posts By: HyperG

Video Game High School (VGHS) : Ep. 1

by freddiew WATCH EPISODE 2 NOW! http://bit.ly/VGHSEp2 The first episode for our feature-length webseries “Video Game High School!” Here’s how the release is going to work: We will be putting all new VGHS episodes on our site, rocketjump.com, one week before we upload them to youtube. So RocketJump will stay one week ahead of our …Read more »

Tomb Raider [NA] “Crossroads” Debut Gameplay Trailer

by tombraider A young Lara Croft has already proven herself to be a survivor, but one on the cusp of an extraordinary adventure. Caught in the clutches of an enigmatic island, Lara is captured by hostile natives and faced with a traumatic and character-defining decision. On this island, forces beyond her control leave Lara little …Read more »

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two — E3 Trailer

by disneyepicmickey Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two — E3 Trailer Unleash the Power of Two in a brand new co-op adventure featuring Mickey and Oswald in this exciting E3 trailer. Pre-order now: http://ow.ly/blFpH Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/disneyepicmickey

Bringing Rohan to Life: Episode I: Creating Rohan

by lordoftherings Go behind the scenes.

Riders of Rohan Trailer

by lordoftherings Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Turbine announced today The Lord of the Rings Online™: Riders of Rohan™, the next expansion to the award-winning free-to-play massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG), will launch on September 5, 2012. Players can pre-purchase Riders of Rohan and gain special benefits starting today by visiting http://rohan.lotro.com.

Babel Rising – Launch Trailer

by ubisoft Visit the official Website: http://www.ubi.com/UK/Games/Info.aspx?pId=10519 Play as a God and use your powers to prevent humans from building the tower of Babel with Babel Rising!

Assassin’s Creed 3 – Frontier walkthrough video commented [UK]

by ubisoft Be part of the revolution on http://assassinscreed.com/facebook More exclusive content on http://www.assassinscreed.com Through this Frontier walkthrough video, Alexander Hutchinson the creative director of Assassin’s Creed III gives us more explanation about Connor, a very new kind of assassin, half American and half British, and the vast wilderness of a dangerous frontier. In development …Read more »

Medal of Honor Warfighter | E3 Extended Single Player Play Through

by eavision Watch the Medal of Honor Warfighter single player footage first revealed at E3 2012. Tier 1 Operators land in Somalia’s Pirate Town in an effort to bring order to the country’s southern region. http://www.medalofhonor.com/en_GB

FIFA 13 | E3 First Gameplay Trailer

by EAsportsfootball FIFA 13 | E3 First Gameplay Trailer Pre-order FIFA 13 now: http://bit.ly/qvuoUx Subscribe for more FIFA 13 news: http://bit.ly/pmWdQ1 Facebook Share: http://on.fb.me/Kptxyu Tweet this: http://bit.ly/KptOS4 See the all-new FIFA 13 gameplay in action. Including fluid Attacking AI and enhanced Player Impact Engine, plus the game-changing innovations of FIFA 13 1st Touch Control and …Read more »

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron – Optimus Prime Heart of a Leader game trailer

A behind the scenes look at Optimus Prime.