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Posts By: HyperG
Video Game High School (VGHS) : Ep. 1
1378 June 14, 2012by freddiew WATCH EPISODE 2 NOW! http://bit.ly/VGHSEp2 The first episode for our feature-length webseries “Video Game High School!” Here’s how the release is going to work: We will be putting all new VGHS episodes on our site, rocketjump.com, one week before we upload them to youtube. So RocketJump will stay one week ahead of our …Read more »
Tomb Raider [NA] “Crossroads” Debut Gameplay Trailer
1498 June 14, 2012by tombraider A young Lara Croft has already proven herself to be a survivor, but one on the cusp of an extraordinary adventure. Caught in the clutches of an enigmatic island, Lara is captured by hostile natives and faced with a traumatic and character-defining decision. On this island, forces beyond her control leave Lara little …Read more »
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two — E3 Trailer
2297 June 14, 2012by disneyepicmickey Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two — E3 Trailer Unleash the Power of Two in a brand new co-op adventure featuring Mickey and Oswald in this exciting E3 trailer. Pre-order now: http://ow.ly/blFpH Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/disneyepicmickey
Bringing Rohan to Life: Episode I: Creating Rohan
1397 June 14, 2012by lordoftherings Go behind the scenes.
Riders of Rohan Trailer
1291 June 14, 2012by lordoftherings Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Turbine announced today The Lord of the Rings Online™: Riders of Rohan™, the next expansion to the award-winning free-to-play massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG), will launch on September 5, 2012. Players can pre-purchase Riders of Rohan and gain special benefits starting today by visiting http://rohan.lotro.com.
Babel Rising – Launch Trailer
1501 June 14, 2012by ubisoft Visit the official Website: http://www.ubi.com/UK/Games/Info.aspx?pId=10519 Play as a God and use your powers to prevent humans from building the tower of Babel with Babel Rising!
Assassin’s Creed 3 – Frontier walkthrough video commented [UK]
1252 June 14, 2012by ubisoft Be part of the revolution on http://assassinscreed.com/facebook More exclusive content on http://www.assassinscreed.com Through this Frontier walkthrough video, Alexander Hutchinson the creative director of Assassin’s Creed III gives us more explanation about Connor, a very new kind of assassin, half American and half British, and the vast wilderness of a dangerous frontier. In development …Read more »
Medal of Honor Warfighter | E3 Extended Single Player Play Through
1529 June 14, 2012by eavision Watch the Medal of Honor Warfighter single player footage first revealed at E3 2012. Tier 1 Operators land in Somalia’s Pirate Town in an effort to bring order to the country’s southern region. http://www.medalofhonor.com/en_GB
FIFA 13 | E3 First Gameplay Trailer
1279 June 13, 2012by EAsportsfootball FIFA 13 | E3 First Gameplay Trailer Pre-order FIFA 13 now: http://bit.ly/qvuoUx Subscribe for more FIFA 13 news: http://bit.ly/pmWdQ1 Facebook Share: http://on.fb.me/Kptxyu Tweet this: http://bit.ly/KptOS4 See the all-new FIFA 13 gameplay in action. Including fluid Attacking AI and enhanced Player Impact Engine, plus the game-changing innovations of FIFA 13 1st Touch Control and …Read more »
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron – Optimus Prime Heart of a Leader game trailer
1232 June 13, 2012A behind the scenes look at Optimus Prime.