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Posts By: HyperG
Sluggo: The Planet Eating Space Worm Official Trailer
1404 June 17, 2012by part12studios http://itunes.apple.com/app/sluggo-planet-eating-space/id514347605?mt=8 Welcome to Sluggo, a true universal app!. A game where you guide a planet eating space worm through solar system after solar system. The rules are simple. Eat the planets from smallest to largest and then eat the sun to create a wormhole to the next solar system. Also while you’re at …Read more »
“Black Ops 2 ZOMBIES” – Zombie Theatre Mode & Wager Matches Confirmed! (New COD BO2 Zombies 2012)
1103 June 16, 2012by MrDalekJD New Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies information – Covering wager match modes in Zombies as well as Zombie Theatre. Let me know what game modes you’d love to see in Black Ops 2! Enjoy! 😀 Credit to BebopVox for the interview video revealing the information! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JbanoFyvi4Y http://www.youtube.com/user/BebopVox?feature=watch If you don’t follow …Read more »
Tekken Tag 2 : Console Characters
1282 June 16, 2012by HelloMrBrahms a short trailer for 4 of the new console characters for Tekken Tag 2
TEKKEN Tag Tournament 2 – Official Snoop Dogg “Knocc Em Down” Music Video
1206 June 16, 2012by NamcoBandaiGames Check out TEKKEN Tag Tournament 2’s official music video of Snoop Dogg’s “Knock Em Down”. Featuring appearances from Adrianne Curry, FilthieRich, Mark Man, Justin Wong and more. Pre-Order TEKKEN Tag Tournament 2 and to get the Snoop Dogg Stage and 4 Classic TEKKEN characters. TEKKEN Tag Tournament 2 releases: N.America – September 11, …Read more »
100th Video Special – MW3 Trolling, MW3 Ninja Defuses, MW3 Public Lobbies, MW3 Funny
1234 June 16, 2012by TheArow90 Hope you guys enjoyed worked hard to edit the video. Please leave a like! (Funny MW3 Moments) Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/TheArow90 Monetization This is a video of me giving step-by-step instructions on how to complete the mission Modern Warfare 3 trolling on the game Modern Warfare 3 and providing consistent commentary on how to do …Read more »
Crysis® 3 Official Gameplay Trailer – E3 2012
1349 June 16, 2012by Crysis http://crysis.ea.com Crysis 3 – The hunted becomes the hunter. Powered by Crytek’s CryENGINE® 3, Crysis 3 advances the state of the art with unparalleled visuals and dynamic shooter gameplay. Take on the role of ‘Prophet’ as he returns to New York, only to discover that the city has been encased in a Nanodome …Read more »
Heroes of Ruin – Launch Trailer
1238 June 16, 2012by UKSquareEnix Game Page: https://eu.square-enix.com/en/games/heroes-ruin Facebook: http://facebook.com/HeroesOfRuin Twitter: http://twitter.com/moreSELS Website: http://heroesofruin.com [Square Enix] Facebook: http://facebook.com/SquareEnix Twitter: http://twitter.com/Square_Enix_Eu Website: http://www.square-enix.com/eu/en/ On-sale today across Europe and other PAL territories for Nintendo 3DS, HEROES OF RUIN challenges gamers to prove they are the hero they say they are. Enter a world wrought with danger and packed with riches …Read more »
Alexandria Bloodshow – Launch Trailer
1325 June 16, 2012by SegaAmerica SEGA’s Alexandria Bloodshow, available now for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. Following in the footsteps of last year’s critically acclaimed Samurai Bloodshow, Alexandria Bloodshow pits the ancient Egyptians vs. Greeks in monumental card-based tower defense battles!