Posts By: HyperG

Half Hour of GoldenEye 007 XBLA Gameplay

by Rare Thief This video includes about a half hour of gameplay from the unreleased and unfinished GoldenEye 007 XBLA remake. http://rarethief.com/goldeneye-007-xbla

Giga Wrecker – Announcement Trailer

by Gematsu http://gematsu.com Giga Wrecker ———————- Platform: PC Publisher: Game Freak Developer: Game Freak

GoldenEye: Source 5.0 – Official Release Trailer

by GoldenEye: Source GoldenEye: Source is a free online multiplayer arena first-person shooter that aims to provide a faithful recreation of the classic N64 title GoldenEye 007’s multiplayer with refined gameplay, high definition graphics and sound. A total conversion modification on Valve’s Source engine, it has been in development for over 10 years. Trailer created by: …Read more »

NBA 2K17 – The Dream Lives On

by NBA 2K The Dream Lives On in #NBA2K17 with the 2016 USA Basketball Men’s National Team & 1992 USA Basketball “Dream Team!” Fans who pre-order NBA 2K17 will receive the legendary 1992 USA Basketball “Dream Team”, along with a special USAB MyPLAYER jersey to fully customize their USA Basketball experience. Pre-order #NBA2K17 today: https://www.2k.com/nba2k17/preorder/ ESRB …Read more »

DOOM – Big Updates, New Content and PartyPlay

by Bethesda Softworks This week on July 29, we look forward to releasing Free Update 2, which includes two new multiplayer game modes. Exodus is a one-flag capture-the-flag mode with an added twist of constantly moving bases and flags. Sector is an objective-based capture-and-hold mode where players compete to take control of zones and then hold …Read more »

First Look: Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine for HTC Vive!

by TRUEfoe Star Wars for the HTC Vive? It is finally here! I’m checking out ILM’s new experience. Sorry for the mouse cursor in the center of the screen, I couldn’t see it while in VR.

FOUND: Ultra-Rare Nintendo Prototype N64 Add-On (US Version of 64DD)

by MetalJesusRocks In the mid 1990s, Nintendo announced the 64DD disk drive add-on for the N64 for the US market ….but it never came out. Instead the Japanese version of the drive crashed and burned upon release and it took all the hopes of US gamers ever buying one along with it. For almost 20 years …Read more »

Star Wars Battlefront: Death Star Teaser Trailer

by EAStarWars Coming in September, Season Pass holders will receive our third digital expansion pack, Star Wars Battlefront: Death Star. More new maps – on ground and in space – new weapons and star cards and two new heroes including one larger-than-life character we know you’ve been patiently waiting for. Star Wars™ Battlefront™ is available now …Read more »

Sega Saturn CD – Cracked after 20 years

Editors Note – This is a milestone for the Sega Saturn CD for enabling software loading via USB, and to help preserve the life of the hardware, as CD drives may fail over time. We do not condone any future use for piracy and share this to those that have consoles, when this is made available in the …Read more »

Duck Hunt Go

by ZMC “POKEMON IN THE HOOD | HUNTING GONE WRONG!! LANCEYPOOH” ➤Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZMCUnboxings ➤Want to make money on youtube!? Click this link! ➝ http://my.voustudios.com/apply?referr… ➤For business inquiries contact me @: zmcbros69@gmail.com