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Posts By: Fearlubu
Dust: An Elysian Tail – XBLA Announce Trailer
1325 March 27, 2013by Noogytoad Dust: An Elysian Tail, a side-scrolling action-RPG created single handedly by Dean Dodrill with music by HyperDuck Studios, is coming to XBox Live Arcade in 2012 courtesy of Microsoft!
Resident Evil Revelations : Rachel Gameplay
1369 March 27, 2013by CapcomEuro The addition of Rachel and the previously announced Hunk in Raid Mode are just one of a number of new features the team has implemented into the console and PC versions of the game. The following new content has already been confirmed: The Wall Blister enemy; extra ‘Infernal’ difficulty mode; integration with Residentevil.net …Read more »
Watch_Dogs – ctOS Threat Monitoring Report
1050 March 26, 2013by ubisoft Watch Dogs is an open-world action adventure that revolves around the player’s ability to hack into various electronic systems, either to obtain and control information or to destroy those devices completely at specific times. Watch Dogs is coming out for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, WiiU, and PC sometime during the second half …Read more »
Daylight Trailer
1330 March 26, 2013by zombieseattle First Trailer for Daylight, a procedurally generated psychological thriller from Zombie Studios. Coming soon to Steam.
Halo 4 Castle Map Pack Trailer
1510 March 26, 2013by xbox Lock, load and floor it to drive the fight to engage in vehicular warfare and battles in open spaces on Daybreak, Outcast, and Perdition in the Halo 4 Castle Map Pack, now available for download on Xbox LIVE!
rain Gameplay Video
1335 March 26, 2013by PlayStation Watch the first rain™ gameplay video from Chapter 1, “The Children and the Night”. Rain is the story of an invisible world revealed by falling rain, and the lost spirits who come alive when the clouds roll in. This unique game casts you as a little boy who finds himself lost. He saw …Read more »
BioShock Infinite Launch Trailer
1537 March 26, 2013by 2KGames Watch the mysterious and powerful Songbird pursue Booker DeWitt and Elizabeth, who are trying to make a desperate escape from the sky-city of Columbia. BioShock Infinite is out now for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC!
Nintendo 3DS – Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity Animation Video
1619 March 26, 2013by Nintendo Check out some cutscenes for the upcoming Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity! In this video you see pokemon….speaking english. Well, the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is about kids who are transformed into pokemon, so I guess that makes sense.
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Gameplay Trailer
1593 March 26, 2013by AssassinsCreed In the Gameplay Reveal Trailer for Assassin’s Creed® 4 Black Flag, embark on a treacherous journey as Captain Edward Kenway, a pirate trained by Assassins, and relive the truly explosive events that defined the Golden Age of Pirates. Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag is out October 29th for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, …Read more »
Borderlands 2 — Krieg the Psycho Character Reveal Trailer
1231 March 25, 2013by 2KGames The sixth character class for Borderlands 2 has been revealed Vault Hunters! Krieg the Psycho. There is currently no release date.