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Posts By: Fearlubu
Super Meat Boy – Let’s Fail 12 [Necroscope86]
1716 May 15, 2013by Necroscope86 Necroscope gives Super Meat Boy another try after rage-quitting.
Disney Infinity Pirates of the Caribbean Play Set Trailer
1691 May 15, 2013by Nintendo This video shows off the world and characters of Pirates of the Caribbean for Disney Infinity. Disney Infinity will be out for the PS3, 360, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, and PC on August 18.
Game Night: Halo 4 – Bomberman
1778 May 15, 2013by RoosterTeeth Gavin says “What is Game Night?” Geoff and Caleb say a bunch of shit too.
Keiji Inafune Soul Sacrifice Interview Part 2
1755 May 15, 2013by: PlayStation Legendary designer Keiji Inafune talks about Soul Sacrifice. From renowned game designer Keiji Inafune and his comcept studio comes Soul Sacrifice for PlayStation Vita, a dark fantasy action-adventure built on a simple question: what would one give up for absolute power? Taking the role of a cruel mage’s prisoner, players will encounter a …Read more »
Mario Party 8: Although Literally Go to Hell PART 3 [Game Grumps]
1823 May 15, 2013by: GameGrumps JonTron and Egoraptor duke it out in Mario Party 8.
Psycho Pack Launch Trailer
1671 May 15, 2013by: 2KGames Krieg has arrived! Listen as Sir Hammerlock explains all of the mad and marvelous, abilities, skills, and powers of the newest playable Vault Hunter, the Psycho Bandit.
Halo 4 – Fails of the Weak Volume 138
1611 May 15, 2013by RoosterTeeth This week’s edition of Fails of the Weak is a little special! We’ve got Michael and Gavin rocking commentary! Enjoy!
GRID 2 Uncovered – Miami Gameplay
1473 May 15, 2013by: gridgame In this GRID 2 gameplay video we head to Miami and take part in a race event in a Ford Mustang Boss 302. Grid 2 will be out on May 28 for the PS3, 360, and PC.
Sonic 2006 – Let’s Play Part 96 [GameGrumps]
1757 May 15, 2013by: GameGrumps Game Grumps Egoraptor and JonTron continues their epic journey through Sonic ’06 in this ridiculously long let’s play.
Sonic 2 – Chemical Plant Zone Acapella
1844 May 15, 2013by: Smooth McGroove An original acapella arrangement of Chemical Plant Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 2.