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Posts By: Fearlubu
Zelda Twilight Princess – Midna’s Lament Acapella
2423 May 28, 2013by: Smooth McGroove An original acapella arrangement of Midna’s Lament from Zelda: Twilight Princess by the bearded man with the black cat, Smooth McGroove!
Sonic 2006 – Let’s Play Part 103 [GameGrumps]
1830 May 28, 2013by: GameGrumps Game Grumps Egoraptor and JonTron continues their epic journey through Sonic ’06 in this ridiculously long let’s play.
K-News – Mega Man X Wii U plus Monolith Soft’s X (Xenoblade 2)
1880 May 28, 2013by: kNIGHTWING01 Happy Memorial Day! Mega Man X is heading to the Wii U Eshop May 30th. The game will feature tweeked visuals and off screen play. Kirby is having a SALE on the Wii U Eshop. Buy 2 Kirby Games, get 1 Free. Offer lasts till May 30th. Need for Speed: Speed Rivals is …Read more »
Tales of Series 15th Anniversary
2047 May 28, 2013by: NamcoBandaiGamesEU Look back at the Tales of series with this 15th anniversary video, as we look forward to the release of Tales of Xillia coming this 9th of August for the PS3!
Let’s Play Minecraft – Episode 52 – Shopping List
2131 May 28, 2013by: LetsPlay After fighting the Ender Dragon, Geoff, Jack, Michael, Gavin, Ray and Ryan head back to Achievement City and relax with a spot of shopping.
Splinter Cell Blacklist – Co-op ComDev Video
1984 May 28, 2013by: ubisoft CO-OP is back in a big way for Splinter Cell Blacklist. In this ComDev video we hear from Richard Carrillo, lead game designer for CO-OP, who sheds some light on the hefty experience in SCB. 14 unique missions 4 different types of mission Split-screen or online Splinter Cell: Blacklist — In Stores August …Read more »
Saints Row IV – Hail to the Chief #1: Saints Force One
1801 May 27, 2013by: saintsrow The ball-busting next chapter in the Saints Row franchise, is starting a party in your pants this August. Developed by Volition, Saints Row IV will launch on current-gen consoles and PC on August 20, 2013, in North America and August 23, 2013, in the rest of the world.
Injustice Gods Among Us – Batgirl Vs Bat Family with Lore & Skins
3037 May 27, 2013by: kwingsletsplays Injustice Gods Among Us DLC Batgirl. Catwoman (Arkham) Vs Batgril, Nightwing (New 52), and Batman (Flashpoint)! The Batfamily and couples duke it out!
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing – Launch Trailer
1907 May 27, 2013by: NeocoreGames The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is a real-time Action RPG filled with fierce and demonic battles, memorable characters, and a refreshingly unique story loosely based on Bram Stoker’s classic novel Dracula. Set in a gothic-noir universe resembling a fantastical 19th century Europe filled with monsters, magic, and weird technology, The Incredible Adventures …Read more »